onsdag 22. april 2009


På skolebesøk i Kigali..
En lørdag på AMU sammen med barna.
"Busstasjonen" like ved der vi bor.

Syopplæring på AMU

Linn Silje<3

mandag 20. april 2009

mandag 13. april 2009

AMUs barn

Linn Silje<3

One down, another one to go

Today I did the inevitable, I broke my seond pair of sandals here in Rwanda.

The first pair just broke all of a sudden, while I was trying to decide wether I should keep the group of people leaving my house company further that just out of the gate, and if so, for how long? The question was easily answered when one of my masai sandals decided to make it a short run right outside my gate. If you are still not tired of my sandal talk, well, then read on about the second one.

It was on my way back home from church, it had rained constantly for five hours, my clothes were damp and I was eager to get home and change. Hanne had left me to go to the Internet cafe, and so I walked alone towards a comfier future. As the raindrops still poured down over my already very wet jacket, I tried to navigate home without slipping on the road. I never did slip, but I did put my foot down in something that turned out to be more than I could handle. I tried to get my foot loose, and succeded, but when I put it down again, it was shoeless. I heard a giggle from the right, and saw the great guy who once said (and probably still would say) that I was not quite as smart as him or Hanne, because I come from the countryside. Today I just laughed back, picked up my broken sandal after taking the other one off too, he said he was sorry, I told him I was OK.

And as the country girl I am, I walked the muddy road home, barefoot.

Linn Silje<3

fredag 10. april 2009

mandag 6. april 2009

Memorial Week - Norsk, Français, English

Årets 15-års jubileum i Rwanda er ikke av det slaget man feirer med pomp og prakt. Vi er allerede inne i april, en måned som for mange rwandere er tung, 15 år etter. 7. april i år begynner Memorial Week, da er hele landet i sorg for å minnes alle som gikk bort i 1994, helt frem til 14. april. Ryktene sier at det er vanskelig for folk å stoppe strømmen av minner som blir presset på dem under denne uken, og at hele april alt i alt er en sørgemåned i dette landet.

6. april 1994 brøt folkemordet i Rwanda ut. 26. juni, tre måneder etter det som skulle bli et blodbad, ble det igjen orden i Rwandas gater. Alle som ikke var hutu eller tutsifiendtlig, ble fratatt retten til et verdig liv i disse månedene. De heldige fant ly hos hutuer som tross i opptøyene fortsatt så menneskene i sine naboer, andre greide å flykte, mens de resterende enten ble drept eller forsøkt drept etter beste evne. Det var ikke hæren som sto bak handlingene rundt om i Rwanda, det var de som ga ordrene, men det var venner, familie og naboer som sto ved vegsperringene med macheten i hånden og krevde å få se identitetskort. Over radioen spredte propagandaen mot "kakerlakkene" seg til alle boligområder - menneskene som skulle utryddes ble omtalt som småkryp, og dermed fjernet følelsen av at man kun tok et likeverdig liv seg, i tillegg til naboenes ansikter.

I dag bor begge folkegruppene sammen igjen, og "ofre og skyldige" bor vegg i vegg. På sin måte var de alle ofre, ofre for undertrykking som førte til rasemotsetninger, ofre for propaganda, ofre for å føle at de ikke hadde noe annet valg skulle de overleve, ofre for å ha blitt revet med i noe de angrer på etterpå. Ofre for hvert år å bli minnet på det de helst vil glemme.

Det er for sent for oss å hindre det som skjedde for 15 år siden, og det er for sent å tilby krisehjelp nå. Det vi fortsatt har tid til, er å ikke glemme, å aldri glemme, og å ta lærdom av feilene som er blitt gjort. Vi må på alle mulige måter hjelpe rwanderne videre i forsoningsprosessen, og det minste vi kan gjøre for å hedre deres forsøk på å greie det, er å si:


L'anniversaire de 15 ans au Rwanda cette année n'est pas un que l'on fête avec des gros sourires. On est déjà avril, un mois qui pour beaucoup des rwandais est très lourd, 15 ans après. Le 7 avril 2009 Memorial Week commence, en ce temps, tout le pays est vêtu en noir, et la vielle peine est là de nouveau. Pendant cette semaine, le Rwanda se souvien des victimes de genocide en 1994. Les rumeurs disent que beaucoup de monde ont des problèmes à arreter les memoirs qui s'approchent d'eux cette semaine, et que le tout d'avril, les rwandais vivent dans une réalité de 15 ans avant.

Le 6 avril 1994 le genocide au Rwanda à commencé. Le 26 juin, trois mois après ce qui devenait si grave que les rues de Rwanda étaient peinturé en rouge, l'ordre était rétabli. Tous qui n'étaient pas hutu ou contre les tutsi, n'avaient pas le droit d'une vie respectable dans ces mois. Le chanceux trouvaient d'accueuil chez des hutu qui à travers de la haïne des autres étaient encore capables de voir les humaines en ses voisin, des autres ont fui, pendant que les restant étaient soix tués, soix éssayés d'être tués. Ce n'était pas l'armé qui marché de maison à maison, bien sûre que c'était eux qui donnait les ordres, mais c'était des amis, de la famille et des voisins qui bloquent les routes avec le machete à la main, et ne laissaient passer que des hutu. Sur la radio la propaganda s'éntendait, et le message de tuer tous les "cafards" enlévait les visages des voisin tutsi. C'est toujours plus facile à tuer une mouche qu'un ami.

Aujourd'hui, les deux groupes vivent ensemble à nouveau, et "les victimes et les coupables" vivent côte à côte. Dans une façon ou autre ils étaient tous des victimes, victimes du colonialisme qui créé des mauvais rélation entre deux groupes qui étaient presque une avant, victimes de la propaganda, victimes de ressentir qu'ils n'avaient pas de choix s'ils voulaient survivre, victimes d'avoir cru entendre la vérité car cela à donné qu'ils ont fait des choses qu'ils ne sont pas fières de aujourd'hui. Des victimes d'être rappelés de ce qu'ils aimeraient mieux oublier chaque année.

C'est trop tard pour nous d'arreter ce qui se déroulé ici il y a 15 ans, et c'est trop tard des offrir d'aide de crise. Ce que l'on a encore du temps pour faire, c'est de ne pas oublier, de ne jamais oublier, et d'apprendre des fautes qui ont été commis. Nous devons de tous façons possible aider les rwandais à devenir et rester amis, et pour féliciter leurs essai de reussir ce-ci on devrait tous dire le suivant:/dire le suivant est le moindre des effort que l'on puissent faire


This year's 15 years anniersary in Rwanda is not one of those you celebrate with great shows and happy smiles. We are already in April, a month that is like a heavy burden for many rwandans, 15 years after. 7 April this year the Memorial Week starts, then the whole country is grieving to remember those who were killed in 1994, until 14 April. The rumours says that it is hard for people to stop the stream of memories that are pushed upon them during this week, and that the whole of April is a month of sorrow in this country.

6 April 1994 the genocide in Rwanda broke loose. 26 July, three months after what eventually became a blood bath, order was again restored in the streets of Rwanda. Everyone who were not hutu or against the tutsi, were not left the right to a humanly worthy life. The lucky ones found shelter with hutu who in spite of the violence going on still were able to see the humans in their neighbours, others succeded in fleeing the country, while the rest were either killed or tried killed in the most gruesome ways. It was not the army who carried out the killings all over Rwanda, they were the ones giving out the orders, but it was friends, family and neighbours who stood by the road blocks with the machete in their hand and claimed to see everyones identity card. Over the radio the propaganda against the "cock-roaches" was spread to all neighbourhoods - the people targeted for extinction were spoken of as bugs, and with that the feeling of taking an equally worth life was removed, as was the well-known faces of their neighbours.

Today, both ethnic groups are living together again, and "the victims and the guilty" are living side by side. In their way they were all victims, victims of oppression that lead to a cold relationship between the two ethnic groups, victims of propaganda, victims of feeling that they did not have any other choice if they were to survive themselves, victims of being drawn into something they strongly regret afterwards. Victims of being reminded of what they would rather try to forget every year.

It is too late for us to hinder what happened 15 years ago, and it is too late to offer crisis help now. What we still have time to do, is to not forget, to never forget, and to learn from the mistakes that have been done. We must in every possible way help the rwandese to move further in the process of reconciliation, and the least we can do to honour their try to achieve this, is to say:


Linn Silje<3