mandag 26. januar 2009

Making a difference

For a non-Christian I think I can say, with my head above the water, that I have been A LOT to church lately. It's not every Sunday, but not far from it. Though I, unlike the others who attend the services in New Life Bible Church, do not go there to be filled with the word of God, there is a lot of wisdom in what the pastor preaches about.

Today the subject was to make a difference with your life. The bottom line given by the pastor, was to live by the word of God, and to put him first, but I know I cannot do that. Because I don't believe in this Lord. But I do believe that I can make a difference with my life, and I do believe that others will know, even though I don't have the confidence to trust that God will be the one showing the way.

I believe that by doing good for others, I WILL make a difference, and I will be something positive in the very existence of someone. But the pastor today emphasized on God, and how you can only reach such a goal by letting Him be in all you do. That I cannot fulfill.
My "difference making" will therefore have to be about people, and all the persons around me. I wish to be able to be a good person for them, and to help them lift their spirits. My sole and very strong hope in this, is that I, who is not capable of doing this in the name of any Creator, will be capable of doing it for other people's good, and not for my own well-being.

I hope that my goal will always be to make the day a better one for the person in front of me, and not to lighten my conscious.
Though I don't believe, I want to be a good person, and I want to be it purely. I wish my actions could say what I cannot always tell, and I would love to make a difference with my life. So be it if it does not last forever.

Linn Silje<3 25.01.09

1 kommentar:

Eirik A jobber sa...

Du Linn Silje.. Det er ganske tøft gjort av deg å være så mye i kirka. Og jeg syntes det er knall at du klarer å få noe ut av det, selv om du ikke tror på Gud. Veldig bra innlegg, og det viser hvertfall at du har hodet og hjertet på rett plass. Stå på :D:D